The following applications for planning permission have been received and
acknowledged by the Council and can be inspected at the Planning Office during office hours shown above. The Council’s
policy for public participation now gives people the right to speak at the Local
Area Committees. When an application is referred to Committee for determination
the Council will notify the applicant, and those objectors/supporters who have
made written representations on the application, to explain the arrangements for
speaking at the meeting. The representative of the Town/Parish Council also
has the right to speak on an application in its area.
Proposed extraction of coal and erection of industrial / warehouse unit (B2/B8) to cleared site, including air conditioning units, modified site access, car parking, vehicle servicing area, landscaping & associated external works
Increase in roof height and installation of dormer windows to existing garage and extend to front of both garages, increase in roof height of existing link building to main dwellinghouse and erection of two storey extension with porch to the originally converted outbuilding
Use of land as adventure play space including erection of modular building to form indoor play space & office, erection of boundary fencing, siting of steel storage container, installation of play equipment, landscaping of site and formation of disabled parking spaces (Application under Regulations 3 & 9A of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations1992)
Erection of canopy to provide an outside dry play area and formation of access ramp (Application under Regulations 3 & 9A of the Town & Country Planning General Regulation 1992)
Change of use of premises for packaging and distribution of industrial and automotive solvents and operation of a waste transfer system and the erection of storage tanks (amendment to R96/0799P)