The following applications for planning permission have been received and
acknowledged by the Council and can be inspected at the Planning Office during office hours shown above. The Council’s
policy for public participation now gives people the right to speak at the Local
Area Committees. When an application is referred to Committee for determination
the Council will notify the applicant, and those objectors/supporters who have
made written representations on the application, to explain the arrangements for
speaking at the meeting. The representative of the Town/Parish Council also
has the right to speak on an application in its area.
Demolition of existing unlisted buildings within Rotherham Town Centre Conservation Area and erection of a mixed-use building of between two and four storeys in height
comprising 19 residential flats (planning use class C3) and 115 sqm of commercial floorspace (planning use class E), with access, external landscaping and car parking
Application to vary Condition 01(approved plans) imposed by RB2015/0616 (Application to vary conditions 02 (approved plans), 05 (boundary treatment), 06 (knee rail), 10 (site construction), 11 (car parking area) & 25 (landscaping) imposed by RB2014/0150 (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 No. B2 unit and 9 No. B8 units with ancillary trade counters (use class sui generis))
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three storey building comprising ground floor retail (use Classes A1 & A2) with apartments at first and second floor level (16 Apartments in total)
Erection of canopy to provide an outside dry play area and formation of access ramp (Application under Regulations 3 & 9A of the Town & Country Planning General Regulation 1992)