Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Full Details

Application Status
Planning Application Number: RB2024/0195
Site Address: 710 Upper Wortley Road Kimberworth 0710
Description: Formation of means of access
Application Status: Dec
Date Valid: 02 February 2024
Decision Date: 06 March 2024
Sent Date: 06 March 2024
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Appeal: No
Case Officer and Phone No.: Louise Hudson 01709 823868
Applicant Name & Address: Mr Skinner & Miss Kaye
710 Upper Wortley Road Kimberworth Rotherham S61 2PL
Agent Name & Address:
Agent Phone No:
Ward:Keppel Ward
Area Team: North
Listed Building Grade:
Departure from Local Plan: No
Major Development: No
Date Received: 02 February 2024
Statutory Period End Date: 29 March 2024
Recommendation Date: 05 March 2024
Committee Date:
Deferred Date: 05 March 2024
Temporary Expiry Date:
Site Notice Date:
Advert Date:
Consultation Period Begins: 06 February 2024
Consultation Period Ends: 27 February 2024
Coal Mining
Residential Area
NameDate SentReply DueReply Received
NONE06 February 202427 February 2024
AddressDate Sent
160 Brook Hill Thorpe Hesley ROTHERHAM S61 2PZ06 February 2024
162 Brook Hill Thorpe Hesley ROTHERHAM S61 2PZ06 February 2024
708 Upper Wortley Road ROTHERHAM S61 2PL06 February 2024
712 Upper Wortley Road ROTHERHAM S61 2PL06 February 2024

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