Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Full Details

Application Status
Planning Application Number: RB2023/1237
Site Address: 19 Rotherham Road Maltby 0019
Description: Change of use to children's residential care home (use class C2) for up to two children & associated works including provision of cycle storage
Application Status: Dec
Date Valid: 12 September 2023
Decision: REFUSED
Decision Date: 30 November 2023
Sent Date: 30 November 2023
Decision Level/Committee: Proposed to be Delegated
Appeal: Yes
Case Officer and Phone No.: Anita Heydon 01709 823893
Applicant Name & Address: Friends Together Care Homes Ltd/
C/O Agent
Agent Name & Address: SLR Consulting
Holsworth Park, Oxon Business Park 2nd Floor Hermes House Shrewsbury Mr Test SY3 5HJ
Agent Phone No: 01743215062
Ward:Hellaby and Maltby West Ward
Area Team: South
Listed Building Grade:
Departure from Local Plan: No
Major Development: No
Date Received: 12 September 2023
Statutory Period End Date: 30 November 2023
Recommendation Date: 30 November 2023
Committee Date:
Deferred Date: 30 November 2023
Temporary Expiry Date:
Site Notice Date:
Advert Date:
Consultation Period Begins: 13 September 2023
Consultation Period Ends: 26 October 2023
Bat Zone
Landfill Gas Site Cat 1
Business Use Area
Surface Water Flood Risk
NameDate SentReply DueReply Received
Environmental Health Services13 September 202304 October 2023
AddressDate Sent
15 Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES05 October 2023
23 Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES05 October 2023
25 Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES05 October 2023
Ashfield 4 Byford Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ER05 October 2023
Counterpart Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES13 September 2023
E-MAIL30 November 2023
21 Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES13 September 2023
17 Rotherham Road Maltby ROTHERHAM S66 8ES13 September 2023
test11 July 2024

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