Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Full Details
Planning Application Number: | RB1998/0005 |
Site Address: | 8 Barnsley Road Thorpe Hesley 0008 |
Description: | Extensions to form bedroom at first floor level and garage/store and formation of additional vehicle access |
Application Status: | |
Date Valid: | 05 January 1998 |
Decision Date: | 11 February 1998 |
Sent Date: | 11 February 1998 |
Decision Level/Committee: | |
Appeal: | No |
Case Officer and Phone No.: | Mr Wilkins 01709 823840 |
Applicant Name & Address: | Mr Stanbra 8 Barnsley Road Thorpe Hesley Rotherham |
Agent Name & Address: | |
Agent Phone No: | |
Ward: | |
Parish: | |
Area Team: | North |
Listed Building Grade: | |
Departure from Local Plan: | No |
Major Development: | Yes |
Date Received: | 05 January 1998 |
Statutory Period End Date: | 02 March 1998 |
Recommendation Date: | |
Committee Date: | |
Deferred: | |
Deferred Date: | |
Temporary Expiry Date: | |
Site Notice Date: | |
Advert Date: | |
Consultation Period Begins: | |
Consultation Period Ends: | |
Constraints: | |
Consultees: | |
Neighbours: | |
Amendments: | |