Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Full Details

Application Status
Planning Application Number: RB1981/0005
Site Address: Land Adj Macdonalds Garage Rowms Lane Swinton 9999
Description: Non-illum freestanding 48 sheet (10' x 20') gen advt poster
Application Status:
Date Valid: 16 January 1981
Decision: GRANTED
Decision Date: 19 March 1981
Sent Date: 19 March 1981
Decision Level/Committee: Committee
Appeal: No
Case Officer and Phone No.: 01709 823839
Applicant Name & Address: London & Prov Posters Ltd
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Agent Name & Address:
Agent Phone No:
Area Team:
Listed Building Grade:
Departure from Local Plan: No
Major Development: Yes
Date Received: 16 January 1981
Statutory Period End Date:
Recommendation Date:
Committee Date:
Deferred Date:
Temporary Expiry Date:
Site Notice Date:
Advert Date:
Consultation Period Begins:
Consultation Period Ends:

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