Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Full Details
Application Status
- Application Received on 04 January 2000
- Processed
- Public consultation: Not Applicable
- Application decided 25 February 2000
Planning Application Number: | RB2000/0002 |
Site Address: | Croft Cottage Snail Hill Rotherham Town Centre 9999 |
Description: | Erection of railing and gate |
Application Status: | |
Date Valid: | 04 January 2000 |
Decision Date: | 25 February 2000 |
Sent Date: | 25 February 2000 |
Decision Level/Committee: | Delegated (Part 2A) |
Appeal: | No |
Case Officer and Phone No.: | Mrs Fawdry 01709 823840 |
Applicant Name & Address: | Anthony A Bell Brampton Hall Brampton Road Brampton En Le Morthen Rotherham S66 9BD |
Agent Name & Address: | |
Agent Phone No: | |
Ward: | |
Parish: | |
Area Team: | North |
Listed Building Grade: | |
Departure from Local Plan: | No |
Major Development: | No |
Date Received: | 04 January 2000 |
Statutory Period End Date: | 29 February 2000 |
Recommendation Date: | 18 February 2000 |
Committee Date: | 15 March 2000 |
Deferred: | |
Deferred Date: | |
Temporary Expiry Date: | |
Site Notice Date: | |
Advert Date: | |
Consultation Period Begins: | |
Consultation Period Ends: | |
Constraints: | |
Consultees: | |
Neighbours: | |
Amendments: | |
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