Conditions / Reason for Refusal: |
Consent is granted to the following schedule of works, and refers to the submitted applicant’s site plan:
Tree Species
Consented Works
Horse Chestnut
Excavation of a 2.5 sq m area within a total expected RPA of 191 sq m along a retaining wall 5m from the stem.
Rebuild damaged wall section in its original position and strengthen behind with a tied in poured concrete wedge
No excavation work is commenced until the wall repair contractor submits the complete Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Method statement and Tree Protection Plan to and has received written approval of these from
the Council Tree Service. The submitted documents should clearly indicate who they have been prepared by, for what site and job and should be dated and signed by the wall repair contractor along with an additional section detailing how the Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan are to be communicated to everyone on site and how this will be supervised and checked.
Adherence to the submitted and approved body of the Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan form part of these conditions. However, if safety considerations mean the wall has to be repaired before the Spring, while it is outside the scope of this application to comment on matters concerning the timing or strength of the wall repair, it will be imperative that measures to cover and contain the concrete, to prevent dilution and allow a good cure are also adequate to protect the roots from leaching and run off, whatever the weather conditions at the time.
The Council’s Tree Service are to be given the Wall Repair Contractor’s contact details and must be invited to attend site when the excavation takes place. Please email and provide at least one week’s notice.
The wall repair contractor must be familiar with and follow BS5837 (2012) and NJUG guidelines for excavation near trees
All works near trees detailed in condition 1 shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2010, unless otherwise stated in the application.
Please note this decision is valid for 2 years of the decision notice. After that a new application for consent to carry out any non-exempt tree work will be required.