Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2021/1158
Site Address: land north of Woodland Farm Rotherham Baulk Gildingwells
Description: Siting of a gazebo
Officer Recommendation: REFUSED
Officer Recommendation Date: 15 July 2021
Decision Date: 19 July 2021
Decision Type: REFUSED
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: Planning Permission be refused for the following reason: 01 It is considered that the gazebo does not provide appropriate facilities for outdoor sport and recreation, and along with any access track required leads to encroachment in the countryside. Whilst limited viewing openings of the equestrian areas have been introduced into the proposal, these are not considered adequate and the proposal remains fundamentally unsuitable for the viewing of the equestrian activities on the land. In addition, whilst of modest size it is considered that the structure will impact on the openness of the Green Belt in this location, where no other built form exists. As such, the proposals represent inappropriate development within the Green Belt for which no very special circumstances have been demonstrated and is therefore contrary to Local Plan Policies CS4 ‘Green Belt’, SP2 ‘Development in the Green Belt’ and ‘SP10 Proposals for Outdoor Sport, Outdoor Recreation and Cemeteries in the Green Belt,’ as well as the NPPF. Informative: A Planning Enforcement notice has previously been served requiring the removal of the gazebo and associated decking any support structure / foundations, and that the land is returned to its former condition, within a compliance period of 2 months. Appropriate action should be taken as soon as possible to comply with the notice and to avoid the Council taking prosecution action. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT The applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority. It is not possible to support a scheme of this nature nor would any amendments make it acceptable. It was not considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and resulted in this refusal.

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