Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Details

Application Status
Planning Application Number: RB2023/0139
Site Address: 18 Wellgate Rotherham Town Centre 0018
Description: Change of use and conversion of restaurant and residential rooms at first and second floor levels to individual holiday lets.
Case Officer and Phone No: Matthew Peck 01709 334247
Date Received: 02 February 2023
Date Valid: 02 February 2023
Decision Level/Committee: Proposed to be Delegated
Application Status: Dec
Applicant Name & Address: Mr G Singh
49 Bath Street Leamington Sopa CB31 3AG
Agent Name & Address: Time Architects
226 - 228 Holme Lane Sheffield S6 4JZ
Agent Phone No: 01144300114
Decision Date: 28 September 2023
Sent Date: 28 September 2023
Ward:Boston Castle Ward
Area Team: South
Consultation Period Begins: 03 February 2023
Consultation Period Ends: 02 March 2023

Office opening hours are Mon-Thu 08:30 - 17:00, Fri 08:30 - 16:30

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