Conditions / Reason for Refusal: |
Consent is granted to the following schedule of works, and refers to the applicant’s submitted report:
Tree/Species Consented Works
T2 – London plane i) prune away from the adjacent building to give a clearance of 2 metres.
ii) reduce the length of branches on the south side of the canopy from 6.9 metres to 4.9 metres.
iii) Reduce branches on the west side from 5.9 metres to 4 metres.
T3 – London plane Remove tree
T4 – London plane prune branches to give a 2 metres clearance from the roof of the adjacent building.
T5 – London plane full crown reduction pruning to reduce the end load stress of all of the primary branches. The tear-out wound should be cut back to the nearest suitable side branch (approximately 600 mm from the tear) the north side of the canopy reduced from 14 metres to 10 metres, east from 9.8 to 6.0, south from 9.2 to 6.0, west from 9.2* to 6.0. N.B. it is estimated that the average branch diameter at the final pruning cut will be 100 mm, the maximum number of pruning cuts of this size should not exceed 18.
* = Estimated
T6 - Sycamore Remove deadwood (exempt)
All tree works detailed in condition 1 shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 3998: 2010, unless otherwise stated in the application.
Please note the authorised works should be completed within 2 years of the decision notice otherwise a new application for consent to carry out any non-exempt tree work will be required.
The Arboricultural Report refers to another tree on the site, namely T1 (London plane). It is noted that consent was previously granted to prune this tree (application RB2023/1074) – the work to be completed within 2 years of 07 November 2023.