Conditions / Reason for Refusal: |
Consent is granted to the following schedule of works, and refers to the submitted applicant’s site plan:
Tree Species Consented Works
T2 – Sessile Oak Carefully remove as much ivy as possible from the crown and crown lift to give 5.4m clearance over unadopted highway
T3 – Sessile Oak Crown reduction of approximately 0.5m to top and open side to give 3m clearance to garage in all directions
T4 – Sycamore Prune back ends of branches overhanging branches near this tree and from oak tree behind it to give driveway wall 1m horizontal clearance
T5 – Sycamore Remove regrowth from stem of tree to give 5m vertical carriageway clearance over unadopted highway and crown reduce by up to 1m on open side to reduce height to 9m and provide driveway wall with a horizontal clearance of 1m
T6 – 3 Ash and 1 Oak stem Crown lift if required to provide 5.4m carriageway clearance and carry out a balanced crown reduction of up to 1m or simply prune back by up to 1m over driveway to give driveway wall a horizontal clearance of 1-2m
T7 – Ash Prune back in line with T6
All works near trees detailed in condition 1 shall be carried out by a suitable qualified and fully insured professional, in accordance with British Standard 3998: 2010 and shall not exceed the above schedule of works
Please note the authorised works should be completed within 2 years of the decision notice otherwise a new application for consent to carry out any non-exempt tree work will be required.
You may wish to remove overhanging dead wood from the crowns of these trees, however permission is not required to carry out this aspect of the work.
Your ecologist has recommended that the works take place outside of bird nesting season (March to August) and that a pre works nesting bird check be completed if this is not possible.