Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2023/0519
Site Address: Former Sports & Social Club Rockcliffe Road Rawmarsh 9999
Description: Variation of condition 2 (repositioning of proposed building and 2no. replacement Juliet balconies within the roofspace of the rear elevation) imposed by RB2020/1655
Officer Recommendation: GRANTED CONDITIONALLY
Officer Recommendation Date: 26 May 2023
Decision Date: 26 May 2023
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Proposed for C&VC
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before 19th March 2024 (three years from the date of the original permission). Reason In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 02 The permission hereby granted shall relate to the area shown outlined in red on the approved site plan and the development shall only take place in accordance with the submitted details and specifications as shown on the approved plans (as set out below) (Drawing numbers location plan MS/92/19 – 03, site plan 01, elevations and floor plans MS/92/19 – 02 Rev B, street scene MS/92/19 – 06)(received 06/04/2023). 03 No above ground development shall take place until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted or samples of the materials have been left on site, and the details/samples have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details/samples. Reason To ensure that appropriate materials are used in the construction of the development in the interests of visual amenity and in accordance with Local Plan Policies and the NPPF. 04 Before the development is brought into use, that part of the site to be used by vehicles shall be constructed with either; a/ a permeable surface and associated water retention/collection drainage, or; b/ an impermeable surface with water collected and taken to a separately constructed water retention/discharge system within the site. The area shall thereafter be maintained in a working condition. Reason To ensure that surface water can adequately be drained and that mud and other extraneous material is not deposited on the public highway and that each dwelling can be reached conveniently from the footway in the interests of the adequate drainage of the site, road safety and residential amenity. 05 Before the development is brought into use the car parking area shown on the submitted plan shall be provided, marked out and thereafter maintained for car parking. Reason To ensure the provision of satisfactory garage/parking space and avoid the necessity for the parking of vehicles on the highway in the interests of road safety. 06 Prior to the occupation of the first unit, a scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailing how the use of sustainable/public transport will be encouraged. The agreed details shall be implemented in accordance with a timescale to be agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Reason In order to promote sustainable transport choices. 07 Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatment shall be completed before the dwellings are occupied. Reason In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and the amenity of neighbouring residents. 08 Before the development is brought into use, a final Landscape scheme, showing location and types of landscape treatment, shall be submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority. The Landscape scheme should be prepared in accordance with RMBC Landscape Design Guide (April 2014) and shall be implemented in the next available planting season and maintained to ensure healthy establishment. Any plants dying, removed or destroyed within five years of planting shall be replaced the following planting season. The scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved landscape scheme within a timescale agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Reason To ensure that there is a well laid out scheme of healthy trees and shrubs in the interests of amenity and in accordance with the Local Plan. 09 Above ground development or any drainage works shall not begin until details of the proposed means of disposal of foul and surface water, including details of any off-site work and on site attenuation of surface water flows, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be brought into use until such approved details are implemented. Reason To ensure that the development can be properly drained in accordance with the Local plan and the NPPF. 10 The second floor bedroom window on the western elevation facing 19 Rockcliffe Road shall be obscurely glazed and fitted with glass to a minimum industry standard of Level 3 obscured glazing and be non-openable, unless the part(s) of the window(s) which can be opened are more than 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which the window is installed. The window(s) shall be permanently retained in that condition thereafter. Reason In the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining properties. Informative RMBC Drainage note the following: The percolation test should undertake in accordance with BRE Digest 365 to prove that infiltration is a suitable means of surface water disposal. Due to the topography of the site and surrounding area, the risk of infiltrating water reappearing as through as spring lines lower on the site or on neighbouring sites is possible and therefore soakaways may not be an appropriate means of surface water disposal. Further guidance on sloping sites can be found in section ‘8.4 Sloping Sites’ of ‘CIRIA - The SuDS Manual’. If percolation tests prove to be ineffective, the applicant should identify a suitable means of surface water disposal and demonstrate how and where attenuation is to be provided. The site is classed as brownfield for runoff purposes and the maximum runoff rate should be reduced by a minimum of 30% based on existing flows and a 1 in 1 year return period. Yorkshire Water should be contacted for advice regarding discharges to existing combined, foul and / or surface water public sewers and they may impose lower runoff rates if surface water is to be discharged to the public sewer system. The surface water drainage design should demonstrate the following: • No surcharging above soffit level during a 2 year event; • No flooding of any part of the site during a 30 year event; • During a 100year + 40% climate change event, flooding may be accommodated on the surface if retained on site in areas such as car parks, roads or recreation areas if the site layout and topography allow. If such surface flooding is not practicable, attenuation features should be designed to accommodate this level of event; • For larger events, the site layout should be designed so exceedance flows are routed away from buildings, and an exceedance plan will be required showing proposed internal and external ground levels and features affecting flow paths. The calculated proposed impermeable area should be increased by 10% to allow for urban creep. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT The applicant and the Local Planning Authority engaged in pre application discussions to consider the development before the submission of the planning application. The application was submitted on the basis of these discussions, or was amended to accord with them. It was considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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