Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2023/0084
Site Address: Wallingfield Paddock Cricket Field Lane Wales 9999
Description: Change of use of land to traveller site with 2 No. pitches
Officer Recommendation: REFUSED
Officer Recommendation Date: 15 March 2023
Decision Date: 15 March 2023
Decision Type: REFUSED
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Proposed to be Delegated
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The Council consider that the paddock functions as an irreplaceable amenity buffer to the recreational cricket ground and the adjacent woodland to the north-east from the residential development to the south-west and the proposals have not justified the loss of this Green Space site. As such the proposals would be contrary to Policies CS19 ‘Green Infrastructure’, CS22 ‘Green Space’ and SP38 ‘Protecting Green Space’. 02 The applicant has failed to provide any robust justification demonstrating the need to release this site to meet the accommodation needs of the gypsy and traveller community. The Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (May 2021) assesses the requirements for residential plots between 2020 and 2040 and concludes that this demand can be accommodated on the site at Dog Kennels Lane in Kiveton Park, which is an allocated site within the adopted local plan. The application is therefore in conflict with the Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (May 2021) and adopted Local Plan Policy SP13 ‘Gypsy and Traveller Sites’ 03 The applicant has failed to submit a Noise Impact Assessment in order to establish the impact of neighbouring noise sources on the amenity of the future occupants of the site and how any impact might be mitigated. As such the application would be in conflict with the adopted Local Plan policies CS27 ‘Community Health and Safety’ and SP52 ‘Pollution Control’, as well as paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework. 04 The applicant has failed to submit a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal in order to establish ecological value of the site and the potential of the site to support protected or priority habitats and species and what impact / mitigation would be required to ensure there is no impact on priority species habitats. As such the application would be in conflict with adopted Local Plan policies CS20 ‘Biodiversity and Geodiversity’, SP33 ‘Conserving the Natural Environment’ and SP35 ‘Protected and Priority Species’, as well as paragraph 174 of the National Planning Policy Framework. 05 The applicant has failed to submit a Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment in order to provide an assessment of the trees on site. As such the application would be in conflict with adopted Local Plan policies CS19 ‘Green Infrastructure’, Policy CS21 ‘Landscape’ and Policy SP32 ‘Green Infrastructure and Landscape’. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT The applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority. It is not possible to support a scheme of this nature and no amendments have been identified at this stage to make it acceptable. It was not considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and resulted in this refusal.

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