Conditions / Reason for Refusal: |
The Council considers that the proposed density and layout of the development for 8 no. residential units would represent overdevelopment of the site that is visually at odds with the suburban character, built environment and landspace setting of the surrounding area. The proposed development would have a harsh and predominantly hard surfaced appearance with very little opportunity for any meaningful landscaping and would fail to take the opportunity to establish or maintain a strong sense of place. It would have a negative impact on the overall character of this part of Barnsley Road by way of its density and urban nature. The development is therefore considered to be contrary to Local Plan policies CS28 Sustainable Design, SP55 ‘Design Principles’, SP56 ‘Car Parking layout’, the provisions of the NPPF and South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide (SYRDG).
The design of the proposed plots are not considered to be appropriate for this site and would be at odds with the character of the surrounding area. Together with the introduction of prominent dormer windows, the loss of the stone wall fronting the site and the density of the development this would further exacerbate the visual prominence of the development within the street scene and would be materially detrimental to the character of the area. The proposed development is contrary to Local Plan policies CS28 Sustainable Design, SP55 ‘Design Principles’, the provisions of the NPPF and South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide (SYRDG).
The Council also considers that the layout would give rise to unsatisfactory living conditions to the new occupiers of the units by way of overshadowing and loss of privacy. There is also potential for the development to have an overbearing impact on the existing property No 136 Barnsley Road. In addition, the garden area to Plots One and Two are considered to be substandard and of a poor usable quality to cater for a large family property. The proposal would be contrary to paragraph 127 (f) of the NPPF which requires development to have a high standard of amenity for existing and future uses and Rotherham adopted Local Plan Policy SP55 ‘Design Principles’.
The proposed development fails to demonstrate that there is no net loss of biodiversity on the site. It is clear that there is some ecological value to the site and the links that this has with surrounding greenspace is clearly important. There are no proposals submitted for the development to identify biodiversity improvements and overall the lack of any opportunity for landscaping and inclusion of improvements to the site are considered to be in direct conflict with Local Plan Policy SP33 and the NPPF.
The layout fails to demonstrate an acceptable an adequate highway layout which by virtue of its inappropriate visibility splays and parking layout, has the potential to be detrimental to highway safety. The proposal is therefore contrary to National Policy set out in the NPPF and Local Plan Policy CS14.
The proposed layout indicates building sited near public sewerage systems located within the site. This may jeopardise Yorkshire Water’s ability to maintain the public sewers and represents an unacceptable site layout.
Discussions during the determination of the application have identified that it is not possible to support a scheme of this nature nor would any amendments within the scope of the existing application make it acceptable. It was not considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and resulted in this refusal.