Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2023/0014
Site Address: The Haynook Redscope Crescent Kimberworth Park 9999
Description: Erection of 2m high pallisade fencing to site perimeter
Officer Recommendation: GRANTED CONDITIONALLY
Officer Recommendation Date: 30 March 2023
Decision Date: 30 March 2023
Temporary Expiry Date: 30 March 2025
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2B)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The permission hereby granted shall relate to the area shown outlined in red on the approved location plan and the development shall only take place in accordance with the submitted details and specifications and as shown on the approved plans • Site Location and Block Plan 002 • Plan showing Fence details SK.01 Rev XX • Plan showing extent of fence on the site in green Reason To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt. 02 This permission shall be valid for 2 years only and at the end of that period (unless further permission be granted by the Local Planning Authority prior to the end of that period) the fence shall be wholly removed and the site restored in a manner to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority. Reason In the interest of visual amenity as the proposal would not be acceptable for long term, permanent retention in this residential area, being contrary to Local Plan Policies CS28 ‘Sustainable Design’ and SP55 ‘Design Principles’ Informatives 01 The applicant is advised that permanent consent for the security fencing would not be forthcoming should a future application be submitted. 02 The fence appears to located over/adjacent to a utility cover and any obstruction this may cause is a civil matter. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT The applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and the fence was erected without planning permission. Discussions during the determination of the application have identified that it is not possible to support a proposal on a permanent basis, or for a period of 5 years as sought by the applicant, however at his time it is not considered expedient to take Enforcement Action and as such planning permission is granted for a temporary period of 2 years only.

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