Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2023/0984
Site Address: Whiston Parish Church Rectory Drive Whiston 9999
Description: Application to undertake works to trees protected by RMBC TPO 1976 No. 1
Officer Recommendation: GRANTED
Officer Recommendation Date: 21 August 2023
Decision Date: 13 September 2023
Decision Type: GRANTED
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Proposed to be Delegated
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 1 Consent is granted to the following schedule of works, and refers to the submitted applicant’s site plan: T1 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T2 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T3 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T4 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T5 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T6 – Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T54- Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T55- Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T61- Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T62- Lime. Remove basal and epicormic growths. T60- Beech. Crown raise to achieve 5.4m clearance above highway and 2.4m clearance above footpaths. T56 Sycamore. Crown raise to achieve 2.4m clearance above grass areas and public footpaths. T57- Birch. Crown raise to achieve 2.4m clearance above grass areas and public footpaths. 2 All tree works detailed in condition 1 shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 3998: 2010, unless otherwise stated in the application. 3 Please note the authorised works should be completed within 2 years of the decision notice otherwise a new application for consent to carry out any non-exempt tree work will be required.

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