Conditions / Reason for Refusal: |
The permission hereby granted shall relate to the area shown outlined in red on the
approved site plan and the development shall only take place in accordance with the
submitted details and specifications and as shown on the approved plans (as set out
(Drawing No.PB23/04 No.1 rev A) (Received 17 January 2023)
To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.
The stables hereby approved shall not be used as a livery or as a riding school.
The location of the site is not considered appropriate for a commercial use.
All gates shall be hung so as not to encroach into the highway when open or being opened.
In the interest of highway safety.
The applicant is advised that any muckheap must be located in a position to minimise nuisance to neighbours from odour or flies. In addition, any muckheaps must not be located within 10m of a watercourse or field drain. If there are any water sources used for human consumption, any muckheap must be placed at least 50m away from the supply.
The applicant is advised that a suitable collection arrangement must be in place to prevent excessive build-up of manure. The collection frequency must be proportionate to the amount of waste produced. Burning of manure will not be permitted.
The applicant is advised that the application site falls within land that may be required to construct and/or operate Phase 2b East of a high speed rail line, known as High Speed Two. Powers to construct and operate High Speed Two are to be sought by promoting a hybrid Bill in Parliament. As a result the application site may be compulsorily purchased. In addition as the HS2 project is not yet at a detailed design stage the applicant is advised to closely follow ongoing progress of the HS2 programme. More information can be found at:
Whilst the applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority, the proposals were in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and did not require any alterations or modification.