Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2022/1096
Site Address: Land at Meadows Road Manvers 9999
Description: Erection of detached storage/warehouse building
Officer Recommendation: GRANTED CONDITIONALLY
Officer Recommendation Date: 30 March 2023
Decision Date: 30 March 2023
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 02 The permission hereby granted shall relate to the area shown outlined in red on the approved site plan and the development shall only take place in accordance with the submitted details and specifications and as shown on the approved plans (as set out below) (Drawing numbers location plan and site plan 120/21/2a, elevations and floorplans 121/21/1a, received 03.02.23). Reason To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt. 03 No above ground development shall take place until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted or samples of the materials have been left on site, and the details/samples have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details/samples. Reason To ensure that appropriate materials are used in the construction of the development in the interests of visual amenity and in accordance with Local Plan Policies and the NPPF. 04 Prior to the development being brought into use, the developer shall submit to and have approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected. The boundary treatment shall be completed before the first occupation of the building. Reason In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Core Strategy Policy CS28 Sustainable Design. 05 Before the development is brought into use, that part of the site to be used by vehicles shall be constructed with either; a/ a permeable surface and associated water retention/collection drainage, or; b/ an impermeable surface with water collected and taken to a separately constructed water retention/discharge system within the site. The area shall thereafter be maintained in a working condition. Reason To ensure that surface water can adequately be drained and that mud and other extraneous material is not deposited on the public highway and that each dwelling can be reached conveniently from the footway in the interests of the adequate drainage of the site, road safety and residential amenity. 06 Before the development is brought into use the car parking area shown on the submitted plan (ref 120/21/2a) shall be provided, marked out and thereafter maintained for car parking. Reason In the interests of highway safety. 06 No above ground development shall take place until details of the foul, surface water and land drainage systems and all related works necessary to drain the site have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. These works shall be carried out concurrently with the development and the drainage system shall be operating to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development. Reason To ensure that the site is connected to suitable drainage systems and to ensure that full details thereof are approved by the Local Planning Authority before any works begin and in accordance with Policy CS25 of the Local Plan. Landscaping 07 Prior to any above ground development taking, a detailed landscape scheme for the enhancement and supplementary planting to the Dearne Road/ Station Road roadside verge and embankment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The landscape scheme shall be prepared to a minimum scale of 1:200 and shall clearly identify through supplementary drawings where necessary: - The extent of existing planting, including those trees or areas of vegetation that are to be retained, and those that it is proposed to remove. - The extent of any changes to existing ground levels, where these are proposed. - Any constraints in the form of existing or proposed site services, or visibility requirements. - Areas of structural and ornamental planting that are to be carried out. - The positions, design, materials and type of any boundary treatment to be erected. - A planting plan and schedule detailing the proposed species, siting, quality and size specification, and planting distances. - A written specification for ground preparation and soft landscape works. - The programme for implementation. - Written details of the responsibility for ongoing maintenance for the lifetime of the development and a schedule of operations. The scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved landscape scheme and in accordance with the appropriate standards and codes of practice within a timescale agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Reason To ensure that there is a well laid out scheme of healthy trees and shrubs in the interests of amenity and in accordance with the Local Plan. 08 Any plants or trees which within a period of 5 years from completion of planting die, are removed or damaged, or that fail to thrive shall be replaced within the next planting season. Assessment of requirements for replacement planting shall be carried out on an annual basis in September of each year and any defective work or materials discovered shall be rectified before 31st December of that year. Reason To ensure that there is a well laid out scheme of healthy trees and shrubs in the interests of amenity and in accordance with the Local Plan. Informatives Drainage Informatives: 01 The Developer should be aware that a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) is the LPA’s preferred option. A detailed explanation of any alternative option and reasons for rejecting a SuDS solution will be required. In order to discharge (drainage details), the applicant is advised that they would be expected to submit information including but not limited to the following: 1. Flood resilience should be duly considered in the design of the new building/s or renovation. Guidance may be found in BRE Digest 532 Parts 1 and 2, 2012 and BRE Good Building Guide 84. 2. Surface water drainage plans should include the following: ? Rainwater pipes, gullies and drainage channels including cover levels. ? Inspection chambers, manholes and silt traps including cover and invert levels. ? Pipe sizes, pipe materials, gradients and flow directions. ? Soakaways, including size and material. ? Typical inspection chamber / soakaway / silt trap and SW attenuation details. ? Site ground levels and finished floor levels. 3. Surface Water Discharge From Brownfield Site: There should be no increase in surface water discharge from the site to existing sewers / watercourses. On site surface water attenuation will therefore be required if drained areas to existing sewers / watercourses are to be increased. A 30% net reduction to existing peak discharge (up to a 1/100 yr storm + 40% CC) will be required if the site is being re-developed. A full justification will be required where the development cannot achieve the 30% betterment on the existing run-off rate. 4. On Site Surface Water Management: The site is required to accommodate rainfall volumes up to 1 in 100 year return period (plus climate change) whilst ensuring no flooding to buildings or adjacent land. The applicant will need to provide details and calculations including any below ground storage, overflow paths (flood routes), surface detention and infiltration areas etc. to demonstrate how the 100 year + 40% CC rainfall volumes will be controlled and accommodated. Where cellular storage is proposed and is within areas where it may be susceptible to damage by excavation by other utility contractors, warning signage should be provided to inform of its presence. Cellular storage and infiltration systems should not be positioned within highway. Guidance on flood pathways can be found in BS EN 752. 5. Written evidence is required from the LLFA / sewerage undertaker to confirm any adoption agreements and discharge rates. 6. All Micro Drainage calculations and results must be submitted in .MDX format, to the LPA. (Other methods of drainage calculations are acceptable) 7. Any SuDS/Drainage system installed must not be at the detriment to the receiving watercourse or ground (infiltration), so manging the quality of the run-off to must be incorporated into any design in accordance with CIRIA 753 The SuDS Manual The design of flow control devices should, wherever practicable, include the following features: a) Flow controls may be static (such as vortex flow controls or fixed orifice plates) or variable (such as pistons or slide valves); b) Controls should have a minimum opening size of 100 mm chamber, or equivalent; c) A bypass should be included with a surface operated penstock or valve; and d) Access should be provided to the upstream and downstream sections of a flow control device to allow maintenance. 8. For major developments, the LPA is required to ensure there are suitable ongoing maintenance arrangements over the lifetime of the development (see NPPF paragraph 169, page 48). Options for SuDS adoption and maintenance include: a) Adoption by Water and Sewerage Company (WSC) - The developer may enter into a section 104 agreement (Water Industry Act 1991) with the local WSC. b) Private Maintenance Arrangement. Provide all drainage management and maintenance plans for the lifetime of the development, which shall include the arrangements for adoption by any public authority or statutory undertaker and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime (e.g. signed Section 104 agreement). 9. Whereby a private maintenance arrangement is proposed and the development is unlikely to remain under single ownership or within a single curtilage over its lifetime a condition will require a satisfactory legal agreement to be drawn up to provide for inspection and maintenance of the proposed surface water drainage scheme. This legal agreement is required BEFORE the first occupation of any dwelling or building on the site. Over the lifetime of the development an agreement must include the following: a) A detailed operational maintenance plan; b) Physical access arrangements for maintenance, and establishment of legal rights of access in perpetuity, prior to the commencement of any phase of the development; c) A financial revenue plan clearly setting out how funding for maintenance is to be raised over the lifetime of the development; d) A whole life cost analysis for capital maintenance over the lifetime of the development. Any values should be based on the current HM Treasury Present Value (PV) Discount Rate. Assumptions about the expected useful life of materials should be included in any such analysis; and e) Details of financial surety to ensure long-term maintenance and capital maintenance costs of apparatus. It is for the developer to demonstrate that a suitable financial underwriting arrangement is in place. Positive and Proactive Statement Whilst the applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority, the proposals were in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and following clarifications did not require any further alterations or modification.

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