Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2021/1773
Site Address: 4 ViewTree Close Harley Rotherham 0004
Description: Erection of single storey front extension
Officer Recommendation: REFUSED
Officer Recommendation Date: 17 November 2021
Decision Date: 18 November 2021
Decision Type: REFUSED
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The Council considers that the proposed front extension at 3.615m projection from the front elevation would form an alien feature in the streets scene which would be visually dominant on the host property and materially detrimental to the existing dwelling and the appearance within the street scene. It is contrary to Householder Design Guidance which states that front extensions can significantly impact on the host property and street scene and should not exceed 2 metres. As such the proposal is contrary to Core Strategy Policy CS28, the advice set out in the Supplementary Planning Guidance, and the guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT The applicant did not enter into any pre application discussions with the Local Planning Authority. Whilst discussions during the determination of the application have identified a possible acceptable alternative to this proposal, the applicant has been unwilling to amend the scheme. This was not considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and resulted in this refusal.

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