Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2021/1075
Site Address: former Sportsmans PH, 149 Fitzwilliam Street Swinton 0149
Description: Change of use of existing PH to convenience store (use class E) and associated parking
Officer Recommendation: REFUSED
Officer Recommendation Date: 07 September 2021
Decision Date: 07 September 2021
Decision Type: REFUSED
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 01 The Council considers that the proposal would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety by virtue of the access lane being incapable of accommodating two-way traffic flows and insufficient car park inter-visibility between pedestrians walking to the shop and cars entering the car park. The result of these matters would be to further increase in parking demand within Fitzwilliam Street. It is considered that the proposal would therefore be materially harmful to highway safety and contrary to section 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Informative The applicant should note that although the applicant’s suggested hours of use does not form a reason for refusal in this instance, the Council is not likely to be able to agree to the hours requested. POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE STATEMENT Discussions during the determination of the application have identified that it is not possible to support a scheme of this nature nor would any amendments make it acceptable. It was not considered to be in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and resulted in this refusal.

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