Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Council Online Planning - Decision Notice Summary

Planning Application Number: RB2016/0004
Site Address: 65 Worksop Road Aston 0065
Description: Application to fell a flowering chery tree protected by RMBC Tree Preservation Order No. 13 1975
Officer Recommendation: GRANTED CONDITIONALLY
Officer Recommendation Date: 23 March 2016
Decision Date: 04 April 2016
Temporary Expiry Date:
Decision Level/Committee: Delegated (Part 2A)
Conditions / Reason for Refusal: 1. All tree works shall be carried out in accordance with B.S.3998: 2010 and shall not exceed the removal of T20 Cherry, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. In addition no tree work shall commence until the applicant or his contractor has given at least seven days’ notice of the intended starting date to the Local Planning Authority. The authorised works should be completed within 2 years of the decision notice otherwise a new application for consent to carry out any tree work will be required. Reason To ensure the tree works are carried out in a manner which will maintain the health and appearance of the trees in the interests of the visual amenities of the area and in accordance with UDP Policies ENV3 ‘Borough Landscape’, ENV3.2 ‘Minimising the Impact of Development’ and ENV3.4 ‘Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows’. 2. 1 Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) shall be planted in the first planting season (early November to late March) following the removal of the existing Horse Chestnut tree. Its size at the time of planting shall be ‘Selected’ Standard 10 to 12 centimetres stem circumference measured at 1 metre above ground level, with a minimum height of 3 to 3.5 metres and container grown within a minimum 25 litre container positioned approximately as indicated on the attached site location diagram or such other size, species, location or period as may be agreed in writing with the LPA. Reason In the interests of the visual amenities of the area and in accordance with UDP Policies ENV3 ‘Borough Landscape’, ENV3.2 ‘Minimising the Impact of Development’ and ENV3.4 ‘Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows’. 3. If, within a period of five years from the date of planting, the new tree (or any other new trees planted as replacements for it) are removed, uprooted or destroyed or die, another tree of the same size and species shall be planted at the same place, or in accordance with any variation for which the local planning authority give their written consent. Reason In the interests of the visual amenities of the area and in accordance with UDP Policies ENV3 ‘Borough Landscape’, ENV3.2 ‘Minimising the Impact of Development’ and ENV3.4 ‘Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows’.

Wildlife Legislation Nature conservation protection under UK and EU legislation is irrespective of the planning system and the applicant should therefore ensure that any activity undertaken, regardless of the need for any planning consent, complies with the appropriate wildlife legislation. If any protected species are found on the site then work should halt immediately and an appropriately qualified ecologist should be consulted. For definitive information primary legislative sources should be consulted.

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