Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Online Planning - Comment

Planning Application Number: RB2024/1496
Site Address: Wales High School Storth Lane Kiveton Park 9999
Description: Demolition of existing buildings, construction of three-storey education facility, reprovision of sports facilities and associated landscaping, access & parking

Please refer to our leaflet 'Can I Comment?' which gives instructions on how to comment on a planning application.

Please enter the details and comments on the above application and click on the submit button at the bottom of the screen. All the fields must be filled out on the screen before your comments will be accepted.

Object Support General Observation

IMPORTANT: Any correspondence we receive about an application (or telephone conversations which are noted) are NOT CONFIDENTIAL and can be seen by anybody, including the applicant or other neighbours. Therefore, please avoid writing anything you do not wish to be available for public inspection. Also, if a planning application is to be considered by a Committee of the Council, any comments received will be summarised in a publicly available report submitted to that Committee.

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